لعبه الاكشن الرائعه shoot many robots 2012 بحجم 541 ميجا
Shoot Many Robots

Shoot Many Robots 2012 : PC/Eng : 600 mb
Year : | Genre : Action | Platform: PC | ********: Eng
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Demiurge Studios
Release Date: Mar 13, 2012
ESRB: Mature
ESRB Descriptors: Titles rated M (Mature) have that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2) / Vista (SP1) / 7
Processor: Core2Duo E4400@2.0Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + @ 2.3Ghz or better
Memory: 1 GB
Video: 512 MB ??GeForce 8800 GTX or ATI Radeon HD 3870 or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ?® 9.0
Free space on hard disk: 1 GB
Unpack the release
Mount or burn image
Install The game From Setup.exe
Copy over the cracked from the Crack dir on the disc to your<install>ShootManyRobotsBinaries dir
Play the game

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