اهلا وسهلا بكم فى منتدى مياسه
نتمنى لكم ان تقضو اجمل الاوقات

جبتلكم اليوم برود كاست انجلش يارب ينال اعجابكم

We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young

shakespeare said :
( I always feel happy
You know why ?
Because i don't expect anything
from anyone
Expectations always hurt . . !
life is short
So love your lifee
Be happy ,
keep smiling
And remember that there is some one
who sares about you ;$ )

I've Been ***ged By [ no one lol ]to say
What I'd Be If I were
* If you were a Month ;
I'd be [ april ]

* If you were a Day Of the week ;
I'd be a [ Thursday \/ ]
*If you were a time Of day ;
I'd be [ midnight :$ ]
* If you were an Hour ;
I'd be [ 9:00 pM ]
* If you were a drink ;
I'd be [ Pepsi ]
* If you were a piece of furniture;
I'd be a [bed ! ]
**If you were a liquid ;
I'd be [ blood <3<3
*If you were a flower ;
I'd be [ Red Rose! ]
* If you were a kind of weather;
I'd be [  rainy :$ ]
* if you were a color ;
I'd be [ Blue :$ <3<3 ]
**If you were a fruit ;
I'd be a [ banana<3 <3 ]

*If you were a food ;

I'd be [ friz <3<3 ]
*If you were a place ;
I'd be [ span :$ ]
*If you were an animal ;
I'd be a [ horse + bird <3<3 ]
**If you were a **** part ;
I'd be [ Hart<3 ]
*If you were a taste ;
I'd be [ chili <3<3 ]
*If you were an emotion;
I'd be [pain :| ! ]
*if you were a BBM Icon;

h[]] fv,];hsj uk hghl 2014 K Broadcast renew for mother