أختي لوولوو لا تشيلين في خاطرك علي .
أمس قريت القصه و انشالله اجلس لها الليل كله و اكتب مقال عنها
أهم حاجه تبين المقال انجليزي و لا عربي ؟
مواقع ترجمه انجليزي انجليزي .
موقع ترجمه عربي انجليزي و العكس
قاموس ثنائي اللغه .
و انشالله تستفيدين يا اختي Kaber
أختي لوولوو لا تشيلين في خاطرك علي .
أمس قريت القصه و انشالله اجلس لها الليل كله و اكتب مقال عنها
أهم حاجه تبين المقال انجليزي و لا عربي ؟
شكراااااااااااااا اخى رماد
[align=center]هـــلا رمـــاد
أفـــا عــلــيــــك
مـيـن قــال أنـي شـايـلـه بـخـاطري عــلـيــك بــالـعـكــس انــت مــاقــصرت مــعــاي ويــكــفــي محــاولــتــكـ فـي الـبــحــث يـعـطـيــك الـعــافــيـــه
وأتـمــنــى يـكــون الـمـقــال بالانـقـلش
يــعـطــيــك الــعـافيــه[/align]
اخوي يعطيك مليون عافيه على هالمواضيع الجميلة
ما عليك أمر حبيت أسألك عن : متى نستخدم The , a , an
اللي هو موجود عندنا بكتاب ثالث ثانوي articles
يعني ابي افهم متى نقول
the pen
a pen
[align=center]نبدا بـــThe
هذي الجمله تستعمل اذا استعملتي اسم في جمله
يعني مثال .
The Pen is somthing we use it to write
و اذا كنت راح تقولي اسم جماد
تستخدمي A
يعني زي كذا
A pen
A car
A Cup
و هذي تستخدم اذا كنت ستسمين شيء
يعني عندك طفل و تعلميه هذي الاشياء
بس الاسماء العاديه ما تحطي قبلها A
يعني ما تقدري تقولي A Micheal
أو A Mary
انشالله وصلت المعلومه
و طبعا An
اذا كنت ستسمين اسم جماد
بس الجماد هذا الحرف الاول منه فيه نطق زي الهمزه عندنا
يعني انتي وشطارتك ايش الاحرف اللي فيها نطق همزه في اول الكلام
نقولAn american
نقول.ِAn orang
An English
an X-ray
an Ipod
و ايضا هذي معلومه مجانيه
الحروف A,E,I,O,X
اذا جا قبلها The
تنطقيها كذا thEEEEEE
كذا ذي
اما الحروف اللي غير كذا نطقها يكون عادي
زي كذا ذا
أتمنى تكون وصلت المعلومه و بالتوفيق يا اختي
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رمـــاد ; 03-Nov-2006 الساعة 01:14 AM
القصه .طبعا هذي لك عشان تتفلسفي قدام الناس انك تعرفين وش الطبخه
القصه و ما فيها .
بنت (الراويه) تعيش مع زوجها جون و هي تشكي انها تعبانه.و جون الدكتور جون أقصد
يقولها ما فيك حاجه كلها اوهام و مشيت البنت على هذي الحاله
حتى صار فيها زي المرض النفسي و صارت تشك في ورق الحائط الاصفر انه فيه حاجه غريبه
مره تتحرك و تتموج الى ان وصلت مرحله خطيره في المرض هذا
و صارت تشوف ان ورا الحائط فيه حاجه تحاول تطلع و شكلها كأنها امرأه
و صارت يعني زي المجنونه حتى وصل فيها الحد انها تمسك حبل و تمزق ورق الحائط عشان اول ما تطلع المراه اللي من ورا الحائط تربطها بالحبل و توري زوجها انها ما هي مجنونه
قصتي انا مع هذي القصه (للضحك)
جلست اقرا و متفاعل مع القصه و انا اكل بطاطس مقليه
و ما حسيت الا و انا جالس اكل البطاطس و اشرب شاهي
لحست مخي هذي القصه
ع العموم هذا شرح القصه بالانجليزي.
a woman (The Narroter) living with her loving and caring husband John and he's a phisical doctor and they were living in a rented mansion
and she had a baby.and that baby got a gentel nana her name is Maryand she take a good care of the baby
but the Narroter were feeling ill somehowand her husband was always telling her that she's fine she's having some stress
and she only needs to rest and never work
the Narroter was feeling sad beucase her husband warrned her not to write anythingand writing was her habitactually it was her relif whenever she feel ill emotionally and that what made her stressfull.and very ill emotionally
her husband adviced her to rest in bed during day time and never work
and leave the the home job for John's sister Jennie
and she did what he want . she's been doing that
t'll one day she saw somthing about the yellow wallpaper
at first she didn't like the yellow paper and day after day
she's been having some illosions about the yellow wallpaper
that it moves and changes places
she told her husband and her husband laughed about it
but still she was sure that the yellow wallpaper got somthing
but she tried to forget that thing and try to get well soon
so she can leave the room and doing back her habit
without being afried of getting cought of her husband or his sisterbut she cannot leave these irrtating thought about the yellow paperbeucase she only have to stare at it
and in one night she saw the yellow wallpaper moves and she saw a shape of a woman tring to get out of the yellow wallpaper
the Narroter felt afried and she tried to sleep but she couldn't
and yet the only thing she had to do is watching the wallpaper
and it's strang illosions
t'ill she reached a level that she can see the yellow wallpaper woman is chasing her
and thenshe desigeded on doing somthing will make her husband John astonished
she brought a rope and then she started to scratch the wallpaper and when the yellow wallpaper woman get out she'll tie herand then she'll show her to her husband
in the end.her husband fainted because he never thought that his wife will be crazy.and do somthing like that
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رمـــاد ; 03-Nov-2006 الساعة 03:10 AM
شرح الشخصيات
The Narrator:a woman that lives with a caring husband
.and because of that care she lost her mind in the End
her habit was writing and it was relif for her from any ill emotion feelings and she lives with her husband in rented mansion and she was at first feeling a little stress and her husband adviced her to rest and never work and that what made her feel somthing irrtatin about the yellow wall paper
untill things moved fastly and then she found her self imagning things from the wallpaper
and then her story with the yellow wallpaper began.at first she didn't like it and then she feel somthing strang about it
and after all that she started to see that there's a shape of a woman try to cut loose out of the yellow wallpaper
John:, a practical physician, is married to the narrator, but he treats her more like a child that she doesn't know anything in this life and she doesn't have the right to say her opinion about anything. John forbied the Narroter of not doing any creative jopand that encluded writing because he doesn't want her to tire her self
The Woman in the Wallpaper: Although the Narratore found that there's many woman trying to get out of the wallpaper
but she pointed on one womanand after that the Narratore
started to think that there're women from the wallpaper trying to chase herand yet she pointed on one she didn't care about the others she cared about a one womanand the woman in the wallpaper woman is sympol the women during that time
they were traped and forbid of not doing a creative job outside the house
Jennie: John's Sister and she's a prefect house keeper
and she can take care of the house very well.that what made John rely on his sister of watching the house and his wife
Mary: the nany she take care of the Narratore and John's baby
and mary's nameperhaps it has somthing to do with the christian beliefes about the Virgin mary and how she take care of young childeren
الحمدلله خلصنا من هالقصه
اذا عندك اي استفسار يا اختي لوولوو تفضلي اسئلي
Thank you a lot I Really appreciate your effort
I know that you're tired because the novel is too long![]()
but this novel from the most important lessons that I taught in this semester
and I hope answering the questions on a test correctly
رمـــــاد عــن جــد مــاقـصــرتـ يــعـطــيــكـ ألــف عـــافــيـــه
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة لوولوو ; 03-Nov-2006 الساعة 07:09 PM
well, wish you the best
and i hope that you get the highest marks
Best Wishs.x
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