[align=center]Good morning everyone
I wonder will anyone come while i'm still here ?0
anyways how's everyone day ? 0[/align]
المقهى, الانجليزي, cafe, chat, english, دردشه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
طبعا الموضوع واضح من العنوان
و الدردشه راح تكون باللغه الانجليزيه
تفضلوا حياكم في المقهى .
لا تخف من الوقوع في خطا إملائي . او املائك ضعيف في الانجليزيه
فنحن هنا لنستفيد . و مع الكتابه ستجد انك قد تمرست و اخطائك الاملائيه تتلاشى
و الموضوع طبعا فري للكل يدخل و يشارك
اذا احببت الانظمام لرواد المقهى :: لمن لديه معرفه باللغه الانجليزي ::
ضع هذه البطاقه
و يا هلا و مرحبا فيكم مقدما [/align]]v]ai hglrin hghk[gd.d - The English Cafe Chat
[align=center]Good morning everyone
I wonder will anyone come while i'm still here ?0
anyways how's everyone day ? 0[/align]
Welcoming for all
A congratulation Ramad for opening the cafe
[align=center]thanx miss.Soso
now it's up to you and the other members
anyways .
how're you miss.Soso ?x
hope you're doing fine[/align]
good morning Ramad
i am fine
how are you
[align=center]I'm fine thanx
I wonder if you're bored
Because I'm Too00oo00oo00oo Bored
anyways . what's your plans for today?0[/align]
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رمـــاد ; 25-Oct-2007 الساعة 10:08 AM
[align=center]ok it was nice to chat with you miss.Soso
but i gotta go out
Blue Tiger Take care of the cafe[/align]
helllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo everyone
how are you ??
congratulations Ramad
ok i don't have any plans for today but to get to bed and sleep like a dead man
How's everything going with you ??
me too
Will I go Jeddah to visit
Some parents
and you?
ok great
but don't you think the order of your sentence Will I go to Jeddah )) is incorrect ???
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