أقوى, السريال, برنـامج, حماية, kaspersky, mobile, security, version
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Kaspersky Mobile Security Version 7.0.32

صــور للبـــرنــامج :

حجم الملف: 680 كيلو بايت وهو لجوالات الجــيل الثــالث
شرح البرنامج [1
Kaspersky Mobile Security is a convenient and reliable solution that protects smartphones from Internet attacks, malicious programs that target mobile platforms and SMS spam. It also provides protection for confidential data stored on a smartphone should the device be lost or stolen.
Anti-theft protection:
Protection of personal data for a lost or stolen smartphone. To protect personal data stored on a smartphone if it is lost, a user can block his/her smartphone or delete files, messages, and the list of contacts remotely. The user can also find out who the “new owner” of the lost device is.
SMS-Block. In the event of the loss of a smartphone, a user can send a “hidden SMS message” to it, which blocks access to the smartphone until a pre-set password is entered.
SMS-Clean. This function is similar to the SMS-Block feature, but, rather than blocking the smartphone, it cleans the device’s memory and memory cards.
SIM Watch. The SMS-Block and SMS-Clean functions are only available if a smartphone is enabled and the original SIM card is installed. If a smartphone is stolen, the “new owner” will most likely immediately replace the original SIM card. The SIM Watch function will prevent the “new owner” from accessing any personal data without the initial SIM card inserted in the device. If the initial SIM card is replaced with a new one, the SIM Watch function will send the original user the new telephone number of the device without the “new owner’s” knowledge.
Antivirus protection:
All incoming or modified SMS, MMS and email items are automatically scanned for malicious programs. On-demand scanning of the mobile device is available at any time. The user can pre-set the best time for antivirus scanning and it will be performed automatically. If an infected object is detected, it is stored in the quarantine folder or deleted.
The user can select one of the integrated IP firewall protection levels. Depending on the level selected, one or more connections will be restricted to provide user security.
Anti-spam for SMS/EMS/MMS.
Telephone numbers of known spam sources, any incorrect numbers (for example, text numbers) or unwanted words or phrases can be added to a blacklist to ensure that such messages are always blocked. You can also add the addresses from your contact list to a white list. In the Symbian version, MMS messages are also filtered.
Automatic updates.
Antivirus databases are updated automatically at intervals set by the user. Updates are available via WAP/HTTP (GPRS, EDGE, WiFi, etc.) or via a PC during synchronization
البرنــامج في المرفــقــا ت
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المفتاح ل 12/6/2008
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Hr,n fvkJhl[ plhdm gg[,hg Kaspersky Mobile Security Version 7>0>32+ hgsvdhg