[align=center]Hi Ramad
I dont know what to say . but its really very very nice
i'll be waiting for more poems from you
Best wishes [/align]
this is a poem i wrote in another website
i hope you like it
i wanna be a sea so i can be the only one
who can see your beauty reflection on the silver sea
i wanna be a cloud to protect your face from the hot sun
to be with you everywhere you go you and me
i wanna be a rain drop to touch your beautiful face
i wanna be a breeze to hold your perfum smell everywhere
i wanna be a star to be with you all night from the space
to watch your beauty sleeping face and your smooth hair
i wanna be an Echo sound,to tell every ear that i love you so much
you're the girl i love and you're the one i would to die for
i love you so much and nobody will know how much
i love you my angel my princess the one whom i adore
i wanna be a star yes!! a star shaining and very fari wanna be a star.1
written by.Dead||Soul
I really don't believe my self.why did i wrote this
was i living a dream??0
oh well, the life moved far away from what i want
Best Regards
Good Day and Good Lucka Poem
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رمـــاد ; 26-Oct-2006 الساعة 10:56 PM
[align=center]Hi Ramad
I dont know what to say . but its really very very nice
i'll be waiting for more poems from you
Best wishes [/align]
Thanx for passing here and Reading my poem
and i'm very Glad that you like my poem
and i just post it hereto make the people post more
those poems brings nothing but pain to me
Best Regards
Good Day and Good Luck
i wanna be a rain drop to touch your beautiful face
i wanna be a breeze to hold your perfum smell everywhere
i wanna be a star to be with you all night from the space
to watch your beauty sleeping face and your smooth hair
did you wrote that??? waaw
it's so beautifol i like this part it's really good
why you dont want to write agan ?
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Princess_Lilly ; 27-Oct-2006 الساعة 03:48 AM
[align=center]Hi Ramad.
very nice words and very Lovely thinking I like the part of the perfume and the breez. I guess you drove the girls in the forum crazy!!
about your last reply, your question wasnt stupid. I graduated this year.
by the way, with no reason why, I didnt expect that you write romantic poems. anyway, show us more.
nice one!!![/align]
wlecome Princess Lilly
i'm glad that you like this poem
and why i don't write again it's for some reasons
best Regards
Welcome Ice Tea
i'm glad that you liked my poem0
but really why you didn't expect that i write romantic poems
i thought it's clear from the picture in my signture
the Echos of my sad voice are filling my dream land
where're you i need you, i need to touch your hand
i wish i can see your face, i'd be watching your smile forever
my heart would die, Baby come let's be togther forever and ever
a note for you Ice Tea
if you need anything to say just say it in the chat topicbecause it's one of the fourm rule
no talkjust reply for the topic![]()
anyways.go to the chat room i left somthing for youand for the rest of my friends
Best Regards
Good Day and Good Luck
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رمـــاد ; 28-Oct-2006 الساعة 01:20 AM
wow woieeee
Are you sure that you wrote that sweet poem??
i don't think so man,poetry is hard to write man
but hell, i loved it
thanx mr,DeadSoul
wow Free Style
the impoertant thing is that you liked the poemif you don't believe that i wrote it
i can make you sure that i wrote itbut i'll tell you later how
Best Regards
[align=center]Hi again Ramad.
about my expectation, I told you I didnt know why I didnt expect it. maybe cuz I didnt know any saudi men who write such soft words, maybe cuz your style in the forum is friendly, very natural and open. I expect you write sad poems. such as an arrogant man who left his lover with no mercy. plz dont laugh. AM honest and frank.
to be honest, I dont understand the picture of your signature. I see only a figure but I cant figure out what else beside it. [/align]
BY the way, I have a question: what do you mean by: if you need anything to say just say it in the chat topicbecause it's one of the fourm rule
which Topic Room?
thanks alot, regards
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