[align=center]The Teacher asked us to write a paragragh
but she didn't say what we should write about
I kept thinking about what should I write
I wondered should I write about the weather and how it changing to cold during these days but no i want to write about somthing special
Somthing like how muslim these days started to walk away from the Islam Vertiuals yes somthing like that but would anyone be interested in such topic while all the girls students calls every religious girl freak
maybe i should talk about the politician issues like what happened to iraq or what will happened if america attacked Iran
but no they won't pay attention to an islamic topic how will they accept to listen to a politic topic
still . i should find somthing will make everyone listen to me
Wait a secound maybe i should talk about fashion and fittness issues that wil make everyone interested including the teacher - perhaps -x
that's a brilliant idea . but why we always like to discuss these issues
shouldn't we talk about islam and how it's great for anyone to be muslim and everyone should feel really proud about it
I guess i should swim with the wave and talk about fashion and fittness
only if Allah sent a message to someone to wake the muslim ummah from its deep sleep
we'll be talking about fashion and fittness 'till the end of our days
ملخص الموضوع ببساطه .:
ما حددتي وش نوعية التعبير كتبت في التعبير انك محتاره عن ايش راح تعبرين عن الاسلام و فضائله و عظمته بس فكرتي ان الكل ما راح يسمعك
فكرتي تكتبين عن السياسه و عن حال العراق و ماذا سيحدث لو هاجمت امريكا ايران
بس قلتي محد بيسمع كلامك عن الدين وشلون السياسه
فكرتي و قلتي بتكتبين عن الموضه و الرشاقه هذا اللي راح يعجبهم
و الله العالم لو ما ارسل احد يصحي الامه من نومها
راح تجلسون تتكلمون عن الموضه و الرشاقه الى ان تموتون